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Nautic Wood is owned and operated by us - Pernille and Peter Hansen.

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We already managed Jørbæk Design and Ærøshoppen prior to Nautic Wood, when we decided to bid on the Carpentry and Joinery department of the Søby Shipyard in 2013/2014. This is where we have our home base today, where we conduct the numerous tasks our company provides.

Ship fitting, off-shore work, transport, carpentry and joinery are the main fields of work we’ve made, and still make our business on, and the many divers tasks perfectly suits and supports our golden rule:

We don't EVER say no!

If there’s a need for service, and if we have the competences for it, Nautic Wood will always deliver a proposal for a solution and a ‘’yes, it’s possible’’ attitude.

Nautic Wood has 20 skilled employees who deliver their work from our large, modern workshop.

We always honor our promises, and strive to solve every challenge to the best of our capabilities - and better!

If you’d like to know more about our workshop and location, watch the video on this part of the website.